Monday, May 2, 2011

A day in the life of a neo-businesman

I desperately wanted to write something, but am still not sure what. So let's see what comes out.
I have settled in my business and am looking at opportunities to expand (and probably diversify!).
I, like Zahra, belong to the "Gen-M" (Maggi Generation), but her blog and the article, based on which she had written her blog, spoiled my day! I knew, Instant Noodles were bad, but didn't realise they were THIS bad! Trans fats and sodium and what not. Tomorrow they will come out with news that they add zinc, magnesium, arsenic, potassium, dried lizard skin, tiger bone powder and iguana shit!! Yuck and f***ing yuck.
Finally, Osama bin Laden was killed by the American CIA. But what price did the US pay to kill him. The fact that he was housed in a "mansion" close to Islamabad, raises serious doubts over the integrity of the Pakistan Government in the "fight against terror." BTW, how can one fight against oneself?! India has been shouting herself hoarse for years at all forums about Pakistan's double standards. But alas. "Pakistan is an important ally of the US against the war against terror," they say! Well, its a huge issue, so there's no point talking about it more. Everybody who has half a brain knows why the US treats Pakistan the way it does. Anyway.
I remember a joke that went round when the megalomaniac General Zia-ul-Haq ruled Pakistan. The joke went something like this. When Rajiv Gandhi met the General, in a rare light-hearted moment, Rajiv Gandhi said that he had a hobby of collecting jokes which people cracked on him. He asked the General what his hobby was. The General replied, without batting an eyelid, "I collect people who crack jokes on me!"
But I believe that we have taken the Pak-sponsored terrorism pretty lightly all these years. Why do we take our liberty, freedom and democracy so lightly? Do we think that our country's democratic and constitutional foundations are so strong that we are capable of absorbing any kinds of shocks? Why can't we take a leaf out of Israel's policy against terrorism? Israel wouldn't exist if it would follow India's ways to "deal" with terror even for a day. A small Jewish nation nestled in an Arab world. But which country in its neighborhood, which is many times greater than Israel itself (in terms of area, population and resources) has the balls to show aggression against Israel? Israel has fought so many wars. At a time, it was fighting against the might of the combined Arab world, but it showed how resilient and determined its people were when it came to their liberty and freedom. Why can't we be like Israel? Just a little bit.
Food for thought?

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