Friday, June 17, 2011

Sightings at Jogger's Park

Finally, I have given up to my wife's demands. I have started exercising. Nothing rigorous, just a mile of brisk walking at the Jogger's Park in my city. Actually it was my cousin who gave me the idea and like a drowning man catches hold of a straw, I caught it. He comes to my shop at 7:30 in the evening and then we ride to Jogger's Park and complete 2 rounds of 800 meters each.
Now this Jogger's Park is frequented by many interesting characters and I got to observe quite a few regulars today, more so because I was alone. An elderly couple who walks less and talks more. The expression on the man is so pitiful that you wish that you could go up to him, place a consoling hand on his shoulder and speak a word or two. As far as the lady is concerned, she does more talking than the man. I feel that the man probably got the idea of coming to Jogger's Park as a means to escape his wife for a good hour if not more. But then the lady found out that her husband was missing out on her insights on life and all things under the sun. So she decided to accompany him as well!
An obese young guy of around twenty. He is so very much obsessed with his mobile phone (as are so many other members of his generation), that either he is chatting away with someone or simply texting away to glory, not bothering to see where he is walking.
A healthily-overweight young girl. Good looking but with more flab in all the wrong places. The look on her face suggests that she is walking because her parents have forced her and not because of her own will. She will huff and puff and then walk some.
A few sari-clad "upper-middle class" (if their exists such a sub-class!) ladies with sport shoes. Lots of gossip accompany their couple of rounds. A mini kitty party sans the food and drinks.
A group of young girls who wear such tight fitting apparel that it is hard to believe that they could actually move their bodies in them, leave alone walk briskly!
These and a lot of other interesting people. Who said exercising is boring!!       

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