Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I am Back!........or am I?

People, I am back!
I am not sure how many of you read my earlier posts or how many of you are actually reading this. It was a long hiatus. Lot of things changed. I resigned from a lazy and uninspiring job and have started my own business in my hometown. It feels good to be back home and doing something that you really enjoy. I am sure many of my ex-colleagues will shudder on hearing that I am selling gelato after resigning from a well paying job with highly flexible work timings. But what the f***. I am enjoying myself. I make gelato, I serve gelato and I earn as well! Plus, I am my own boss. Heck, it's MY business!
I need to thank a very dear friend for giving me the inspiration to write again. She is an avid blogger and writes really good stuff. If you are reading this, please check out her blog as well. Its zahrainc.blogspot.com.
Hope to share lot of things with you PLUS my old stories.
Thanks.  See you soon!


sneh said...

this will definitely be the best move of your life.....doing what you like is the most important thing than doing things just for the heck of......you were always very inspiring and now because of this move it is more than ever....you've just given an excellent example to follow your will and wish unlike others who majority of times do things only for the sake of others.

Lots of best wishes,

Zee Bee said...

Hey, thanks ! You know i really like the layout of the blog ..i love blue !